With that said, this isn’t a post about the wonderfulness of being a father. This post is to vent a little about my pathetic excuse for a baby mama. I gained custody for a reason. That woman is unfit to care for a pet rock! (She once asked me if you needed a passport to go to Hawaii) Yeah, I know…..
Truth be told, my daughter lived with her grandmother but my baby mama had custody. Crazy, right? The messed up part is that I had to pay child support for no damn support. That’s like buying a bra that doesn’t work. No support leaves your ninnies all over the damn place. Just like my lil mama!
I used to have to pay child support. It’s called CHILD SUPPORT. I’m breaking her off something proper each month to take care of lil mama and she’s taking care of herself. (See clip below)
Note: I know I already posted this but I just had to do it again. I used to do a little spoken word and she pissed me off and I just gave her the damn business on stage that night. Oh yeah, it’s a little self plug for myself too though.
Taking my daughter shopping consisted of going through her closet and giving my daughter the things that she couldn’t fit anymore. Dumb ass girl has a nine year old wearing skinny jeans and halter tops. My lil mama was still wearing shoes from 2 birthdays ago. Soooo…..she looks like a stripper in training with bad feet and a skin rash. Are you damn serious?
Want to hear something funny? This fool wanted me to pay her child support even though I have custody. That is just ignorant as hell! So I had to ask her, did she want me to rent Kylea from her? Was it going to be Lease-a-Kid or something? My attorney had to laugh at her ignorant ass for that one.
What am I left with? Fifty dollars a month and where is she…..this fool has been in Nigeria for the past 2 ½ months eating foo foo, buying head wraps, and calling my damn house with a fake ass accent. Fool, you’re from Houston! Who does that? Tell me! Oh, yeah. SHE DOESN’T HAVE A DAMN JOB!
Man…..I guess that’s why I ain’t Cliff Huxtable.
Thanks for the love man... sounds like you and I make the same bad choices in women lol.
My baby momma is a trip but at least she didnt ask me to pay child support for no child lol.
Shyt I wish mine would move to africa! count that as a blessing bruh.
I love both of your blogs. You guys are great dads and it's a privilege to be able to read about your experiences.
get over it and live life, act like you enjoy it and you will just a thought, you are doing a great job, welcome to parenting, it does not get any better than having the priviledge to make a positive print on your child life, enjoy the years, nothing just happens
To all the single men, throw your hands up, you are the best thing that has happen since bluebell ice cream, not hating you at all, ain't got nothing but love for you , you are doing that, you are doing that, wow fantabulous.....ladies who said there were not great men out there..advice forget the past, let them mama's go, it should feel great to be rid of them and have your kids ..love those kids, do them justice..love love love speak into their life positivity after all you do not want them to have any disfunctional seed from their mama
OMG it's official, we are now family (since Reiko is my sister) but you've made the cut! You ignant as hell, I love it!
I'm here by way of Dave; we're long-time blog buddies :)
Anyway, just wanted to say welcome to the single-parenting fold & if you need any advice just holla. Dave can attest to my superior parenting skills/advice.
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